The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner

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The Queen’s Thief #1
What an utterly charming and fun read! Gen is a delightful character, who I came to love more and more as the novel progressed.  At its heart, The Thief is a roguish quest, where Gen is comissioned to find and steal an long lost object of myth and legend.  This story is slow to build, and has a lot more to do with the journey than the object itself, but it is beautifully and elegantly crafted.  The characters are complex and multilayered; just when you think you’ve figured them out they do something to surprise you.  And the ending was sweet and lovely and better than I would have expected.

Turner’s writing style is concise and compact, and it’s easy to miss a hint or detail if your read too fast. I found myself rereading passages to try and digest the subtext underneath.  It took me a little while to get into the style, but in the end I was enchanted. In the end, I was left wanting more and I look forward to reading more of The Queen’s Thief series.

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