An Author’s Odyssey by Chris Colfer

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Land of Stories #5
This installment of the Land of Stories had a similar feel to Beyond the Kingdoms (book 4), but instead of traveling through classic literature, the Bailey Twins enter Conner’s original stories. It was great to get more original storytelling in and stretch the storybook world a bit more, and each of Conner’s stories was fun and unique. Unlike the last novel where I didn’t feel like we spent enough time in each story, An Author’s Odyssey let us explore each story more fully.

Overall, this was a much more Conner centric story that the previous installments, which I felt was long overdue. We also got some great focus on the twins dynamic, now that they’re more grown up and mature. It was nice to see them adventuring as a duo, instead of with the usual ragtag team of fairy tale accomplices. I commented in my review of Beyond the Kingdoms how much I enjoyed seeing them shine on their own, but this time they got to shine together and build their sibling bond. And after that ending, that bond will certainly be stretched and tested in the next book. All and all a great continuation of the story, with more complex and overarching plots that are leading into what I expect to be an epic conclusion.

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